Monday, August 16, 2010

Dragon VS. Knight

The boys came upstairs in these costumes the other day and I thought it was one of the cutest things that I have ever seen! They then proceeded to battle. I laughed and laughed as I watched them and the battle lasted for quite awhile before the dragon began to cry. It was pretty funny. I'm not sure who won, the fight was actually pretty even!

First Day of School

Well our school year has started and boy am I happy about it. We needed some structure and routine in our lives and school definitely brings that.

Braylon is going to preschool at our Rec Center two days a week and he loves it. He started on August 3 and is doing a great job. He is becoming quite the big boy.

Coralee and Landon started on Thursday August 12 and they are attending a new charter school called Foundations that is just up the street from our house. It is fabulous and I couldn't be happier with the school, principal, or teachers. Is a great place for us. Plus, they have to wear uniforms and I think that they are so adorable!! Doesn't Landon look like a little missionary?! These pictures melt my heart.
We sure are two proud parents. Our kids are amazing and we are tremendously blessed!

Happy Birthday to Me!!

I had such a great birthday this year! Cameron was in town and watched the kids while Steve and I went for an overnighter! We stayed at the Hyatt downtown, ate at the Keg, slept in, worked out, ate tacos, car shopped, and window shopped. It was fabulous!

On my birthday, the kids got up and made me breakfast. They made me a piece of bread spread with raspberry jam and topped with whipped cream and some juice. They also made me cards and gave me some of their stuff! It was too cute and very thoughtful.

It is becoming my tradition to have a family picture taken on each of my birthdays. We do not take enough family pictures in my humble opinion. My family is just too cute!

The Kindness King

Funny story about my Landon. So we were driving home one Sunday and Landon was bugging Braylon in the car.

As we pulled into the garage and got out, Landon continued to bug Braylon.

I didn't see exactly what happened but Cameron was standing by the boys watching what was going down and he says to Landon, "Hey Lanny, what does your hat say?"

Landon looks at him and say, "Huh?" and he tries to look up at his hat to see what it says.

Cameron tells him, "It says Kindness King. Are you being the Kindness King"?

Landon's face turned a little red and he replied, "No".

He walked into the house and didn't bug Braylon again. I laughed and laughed because I didn't even notice what his hat said. Way to be on top of things Cameron!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh What a Summer!

Well I did not keep up with the blog as well as I had anticipated this summer! I thought that I'd have all sorts of time once school was out and it was the opposite. We were busy having fun all summer. So here are our summer highlights!

Swimming at Nana's pool with our cousins

Swimming in Lyons at the river with friends

Coralee attended her first concert at Elith Gardens.
She saw All Star Weekend and Emily Osment

We bought season passes to Elitch Gardens and went about once a week.

Uncle Cam got to come and visit us for about three weeks.
Thanks for everything Cameron. We love you so much!

We went on vacation to NV and got to visit Rob, Steph, and cousins on our way back.
Thanks for entertaining us and taking us to the mountains!

We got to stay with Carly and Kyle on our way out to NV.
Thanks for letting us stay with you guys!
We had so much fun.

I got to hang with life long BBF Loni and her adorable girls in good ol' F-Town.

Kids got to play with cousins and friends in Fallon.

The kids and I got to spend 10 days in Fallon with my family.
Steve couldn't come out because he just got a new job and
had to wrap up things at his old job.

Trying to take a picture of all the cousins is near impossible we discovered!

Coralee got a new haircut

Landon designed a new fashion trend!

Braylon also came up with his own unique hair fad

We sent Bob and Renae off on another mission to Africa

Landon finished his machine pitch baseball season and loved it.

We had the Lewis family reunion here in Colorado and so much fun with all of our
cousins going to a Rockies game, Water World, Elitch Gardens, Bob and Renae's
farewell, and just hangin out.

Grandma and Uncle Gav came to visit and attend the Univera Conference.
Gram stayed a few extra days and planted our flowers for us.

I took the kids on a hike in Boulder and we got soaked as we had to run down
the trail in the pouring rain! We'll never forget our first hike!

Coralee and I had to say goodbye to our good friends the Stangs

Coralee and her BFF Brynn

The kids took swimming lessons at the Rec Center
Coralee participated in her second piano recital

It was a fun, yet busy summer. They always go by too quickly. But looking back, we made the most of our time and made some fabulous memories!