Friday, November 2, 2007

Bob's Pumpkins

This one's for you Bob! Steve went and got the pumpkins from your garden and they sure brought us a lot of attention! Everyone who came to our house commented on the size of your pumpkins! Especially the gianormous one! Many a person told us it was the biggest pumpkin they had ever seen! In the picture below, you can see how big your pumpkins were! The one on the left is from your garden and the other one was one of the biggest ones we could find when I took my preschoolers to the pumpkin patch. The one below isn't even half of the size of the picture on the right!

We had a really fun time cleaning them out! Coralee had her friend Brynn over and she helped us out. Coralee and Landon did not care much for the sliminess of the pumpkins, but little Brynn did not mind at all! It was quite a sight watching her dive right in and scoop out the seeds! Especially when the pumpkin was about as big as her! We had a good time. Stephen did the creative carving! I think he did such a good job. Our pumpkins looked great Halloween night and they still do! The big one also served as my backdrop for my preschool pictures. The pictures turned out really well. Thanks for the monster pumpkins!

So, here are the girls cleaning out the big one. I thought you might want to see how thick the walls of the pumpkin were! It took me awhile to get the top off! Then, Coralee wanted to show you the top! Can you believe how big it is?!

1 comment:

Reinhardt Family said...

Hey Rach....I have checked out your blog a couple of times but this is the first time I have had time to write!!! I love hearing what is up!!! And cheers on getting to a world series game...I am jealous!!!! Your kids are all adorable and I can't believe how big Kora is!!! Crazy!!! Oh and by the way you look great yourself!!! Playing any vball or bball??? Well I just wanted to say hey!!! Tons of love!!!!