Landon is doing so well. He has really grown up alot this year. Preschool has been so good for him and his speech has improved so much. He is a little man now and it is so sad. He is also learning so much at school and catching on to so many things. I am so proud of him. He is our sports maniac! He loves any sport that is thrown at him, but he especially loves baseball and basketball. He is always asking us to play baseball with him. Whenever he gets a hit he runs around in a circle and then falls down. He is really going to like sliding! He also loves to fall down when he swings and misses because he says that is what the baseball guys do. He loves to get dressed in his "basketball clothes." He has bball shorts and cut off shirts that match and he calls these his "basketball clothes". He is so cute. Him and Coralee both dress up and put on a clinic for us! They are too too cute. Landon is also singing in the Sounds of Joy Choir and he likes it. Not as much as Coralee, but he is really cute. His favorite song is "Following the Leader" because at the part that says, "and this is the game we play" the pretend they are swinging a baseball bat. He loves it. He is also in gymnastics right now and it has been so good for him. We figured that he needed something that was just his and is really doing a good job at it. We wish that he was old enough for t-ball but they don't start until five so he is going to have to wait. We're going to get some games goin this summer with some of his friends on some Sat. We figure that he will enjoy that. That wraps up what Landon has been up to.
Ok, Kassi requested pics of Braylon walking, so there you go Kass. Sorry it has taken so long. Braylon is getting so big so fast as well. It is sad how fast it goes. He has gone from being a baby to being a big boy. He is getting so big so fast. He is our little Samson. Stephen will not let me cut his hair (which I don't mind because I do love it but he could use a trim!) until his parents get home from their mission, but that is still a year away! So, I don't know about that, but we'll see. Braylon has gone from our angel baby to our crazy baby. He has already began throwing fits and hitting and getting angry! It is funny how you forget about these things between each child. He is also at a really fun age. He is starting to talk and run around and do all sorts of fun things. He wants to do everything that Coralee and Landon do which can be quite comical sometimes. He loves to kick and throw balls, pull kids' hoods and shoulders, make shooting noises, his ba ba, his blanket, his elmo doll, and his police car. He loves to wrestle with his dad and snuggle with his mom and play with is brother and sister. He is such a great addition to our family and we wouldn't trade him for anything.
That's what all of the children have been up to. Steve and I have been chasin' after them and eachother. Steve is teaching seminary, working hard, getting ready to play softball, and playing co-ed volleyball with me! His job is going great and he is a great addition to his company. He is loving that it is baseball season, happy that the Nugs made it to the playoffs, and stoked that the Avs have made it to the second round. The highlight of his year so far has been the NCAA tournament that was here in Denver. Two days of basketball, what's not to love! We had a blast watchin all the teams that came.
I've been runnin like crazy trying to keep up with everything. I was called to be the stake girl's camp director this year and that has been keepin me busy. So, I get lots of time with the young women as I am still the laurel's advisor. I love working with the youth, so it has been great. Like I said, Steve and I are playing in a co-ed volleyball league and that has been so much fun. We are loving it. Preschool is going great, but I am excited for the break. I was going to take next year off, but I have decided to teach Landon's class. It'll be nice to only have school twice and week and it will be so good for him. My highlight for the year has been the week that grandma and granpa came to visit. My dad helped me get all sorts of projects done around the house and so now I think of him all the time when I see them. I had a great time having them here. Thanks for comin mom and dad. That wraps us up. We are all good and cannot complain. Hope you are all well too! Loves from Denver
Those are the cutest pictures! We can't wait to see you guys at the reunion. Kylan, Bradon and Brayon are going to have so much fun together!
About time. Thanks for the quick response. Cute pictures. You guys sound crazy busy and therefore you are forgiven for getting so behind on the blog. Julie
It is so good to see an update! I have been thinking of you guys alot lately! Love ya!
Matt, Mariann and boys!
VERY NICE! Im kind of a stocker... So its good to see some updates!
Your kids are soooo cute!
Way to get some things posted. I think that once a quarter is a good start ;)
Great Pics!
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