Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First day of preschool

Landon started preschool on Monday. Steve was a little sad, but I couldn't be happier!! I love my Landon, but preschool is going to be so good for him. And, I only have one kiddo at home for three hours a day! It is heaven on earth! I am sad to see my kids growing up so fast, but this has been a good thing for us.

Landon's teacher is Ms. Kat and he loves his class. Here are some pics of the first day. They aren't the best. I couldn't find the camera (forgot it was in the soccer bag from the game!) so Steve took these with his phone.


Daddy's Boy.

Mom's Little Man

Our Big Preschooler

Ain't he cute?

1 comment:

Sally said...

do you think i dropped off the face......i thought maybe you did....whats the dealio with your home phone! hope you are good! love you!